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Friday, January 05, 2001
I'm about ready to give up on Blogger. It's been incredibly slow lately; it would be much quicker just to edit these posts offline and ftp them to the server. However it does sound like their pleas for additional funds to purchase a new server are paying off, so perhaps there is hope. I'll keep posting with them for now.

Received a Spam email today that when opened immediately linked to a web page. When I saw what was happening I immediately closed the browser. I NEVER click on links in Spam for fear of virus' and not wanting to be tracked through a cookie or other means. In this case there was no choice. Guess I'll have to figure out a way to delete spam without looking at it. Then just now I saw this reference to an article on web bugs that describes just what happened to me this morning. The web is so vulnerable to this sort of mischief.

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