- In the Photos app
on your Mac, select the photos you want to change. Command-click to select more than one photo.
- Choose Image > Adjust Date and Time.Tip: You can also double-click the date that appears in the Info window to change the date. To show a photo’s Info window, double-click the photo, then click the Info button
in the toolbar.
- Enter the date and time you want in the Adjusted field.
- Click a time zone on the map and choose the closest city, if necessary.
- Click Adjust.
Category: Uncategorized
Limit number of email msgs downloaded from Gmail
I don’t delete most email and have many, many messages in my Gmail inbox. I mostly use Mac Mail to read and send email, so whenever opening the mail program, all of the Gmail messages are downloaded, which takes forever. To limit the number of messages downloaded, but kept on the Gmail server, use the following:
Gmail>Settings (gear symbol)>See All Settings>Forwarding and POP/IMAP. Scroll down to Folder Size Limits and set the number of messages to be downloaded. It is currently set to 5,000.
Turning on Bluetooth w/out a mouse
I accidentally turned off Bluetooth and my mouse stopped working on my Mac. To turn Bluetooth back on with just the keyboard, use Command-Spacebar to bring up Spotlight search. Type Bluetooth File Exchange which will prompt you for turning on Bluetooth by hitting the Return key.
How to find locked files on a Mac
I have a video headlight for my bike and occasionally I want to lock a file to make sure it’s not written over with subsequent videos. Later I want to unlock them. One way is to reformat the memory card. Another way is to do it on theMac. However, Finder does not indicate which files are locked. This unix command can be used:
Start the Terminal
cd to the proper folder. I moved to the top level, then to Volumes, then to the volume with the memory card which is inserted into the MacBook Thunderbolt port.
“sudo find . -flags uchg” [without the quotes. This will list locked files. To unlock files, use: “sudo chflags -R nouchg”]
Summarizing Numbers data
I have a table with a row for each bike facility occurrence in each VA county and the trails in each county. I want to summarize that data. It can be done using Categories in Numbers. Under Organize, select Add Categories. This will sort the table and create a new row for each category. Cells in that row can be designated to Sum the values in that column. The Category was Locality and the Length of each facility segment is totaled by clicking the gears in the category row for that attribute. All Categories can be collapsed and the total for Length calculated by selecting the category totals and pasting them into another sheet and totaling those.
Celsius to Fahrenheit
C x 9/5 + 32 = F
Quick conversion: C x 2 + 32 = F – a few degrees (6 if C is 30, 4 if 20, 2 if 10).
Speed limits on VA roads
VDOT maintains a GIS map of speed limits on most roads in Virginia.
How to obtain name and addresses
The Mailing List Generator allows users to create mailing lists for adjoining property notifications. The tool allows users to drop a point on a parcel and generates a list of all property owners addresses within 500ft of the parcel.
How do I use it? Follow these simple steps.
1. Locate the parcel where you would like to generate the list.
2. Activate the Mailing List Generator by clicking on the envelope icon.
3. Click on the Selection Point icon and drop in the parcel.
4. Select Run.
5. Once the tool has run the mailing list can be accessed by clicking the hyperlink under mailing list.
Working with address point data
Anyone can download Fairfax Co GIS data. Wanting to know how many people live in my area, went to the Address Points data layer under Property & Land. I zoomed to my area and used the area selection tool on the right, then used Filter to this area which selected points within the area. Those were downloaded.
I entered the points data into QGIS, in a csv file that contained x, y data in the first two columns. I did this by selecting Open Data Source Manager in the upper left. I then selected Delimited Text. The first row contained feature names.
Using QGIS Select Features by Freehand I selected the addresses in my area. The Select Features by Polygon didn’t work on the MacBook because I couldn’t close the polygon. I then used Open Attribute Table (Selected Features) and there were 691 addresses selected. According to the Census demographic for Virginia, there is an average of 2.4 people per household in this area (ESRI data for 3 mile radius). My area then is estimated to have 2.4 x 691 = 1,658 people. According to the Census data for Virginia, there are 128 towns smaller than my immediate neighborhood in Reston. Everyone driving a vehicle must enter and exit the neighborhood using one road. Bicyclists have a few options other than the road.
Moving Mac cursor using the keyboard
After turning off Bluetooth using the cursor, the Bluetooth mouse no longer works. To move the cursor, use Option-Command-F5 to bring up the Accessibility Shortcuts window. Move through the options using the Tab key to reach “Mouse Keys”. Use Space bar to select that option. Now the Keypad can be used to move the cursor. Number 5 acts as a click.